This Feels Risky for Hospitality

My beloved hospitality industry is going through a massive transformation and one scary but exciting way to get ahead of the curve is to take more risks.
This week I was facilitating a meeting with the tech company Extenteam and in order to imagine where the industry is going next we first wanted to identify where companies are getting most stuck...
So as an experiment each team member took 20 minutes to write out a full stream of consciousness of failures and blockages dating as far back as they could remember.
This was a vulnerable process for a hospitality start-up especially considering their superiors were all in the room.
We then combined their years of industry reflections into one big block of text and asked ChatGPT to distill everything down to one core pattern 😳
Are we being lazy using ChatGPT? Are we being millennials? Are we dodging accountability? Are we missing the entire point?! Yes! No! Who cares?!
***END GASP***
There was something exciting and suspenseful about this mid-air moment: honest experiences summarized by robot: nobody knew what was about to happen next...
Then 3, 2, 1…boom the ChatGPT distillations ranged from humbling to strange to truly eye-opening.
All edging towards a logjam that needed to END in order to make way for the next wave of industry growth.
A ChatGPT use case sparking honest (and exciting) human conversations forward!
Here's me and some of the Extenteam in an elevator afterwards...getting into an elevator back when elevators were first there's a risky thought.
Sensing the call for authentic business innovation? Join an A-list group of leaders for our inaugural Here Goes Nothin learning vacation over new years in Costa will return home transformed!