A Movement For More Creativity In Business 

Here Goes Nothin' is a community for entrepreneurs and executives who want to build more curious and creative businesses. Join our VIP mailing list below...

Matthew Landau

“I call it Matt’s ‘Mr. Roger’s Cadence’ when everyone leans in and really embraces the ethos behind his work. He’s a shining example of ‘it’s not what you say, but how you say it.” -Erik E.

“Matt, thank you for your courage. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… It’s all about love. In our world of brains, data, and technology, our hearts have been left on the shelf. Thank you for your courage in bringing love and humanity back into business.” John S.

“Matt helped me overcome my fear of talking in front of an audience without knowing or noticing it. I can say it was one of the most intense and moving moments of my life. I will never forget this and what Matt did for me and for the state of Israel.” -Guy F.

“Matt creates spaces for creativity, kindness, community and influence. Quietly and confidently (because of these gatherings) we are all becoming stronger, better people and leaders.” -Tom G

“Matt didn’t know my story, but every proverbial word in his episode was written for me. The timing was divine! Trapped in my car, addressing my fears, and answering months of prayers, I booked the flight!” -Nikki I.

“Matt brings us with him emotionally to model how we are all living through UNPREDICTABLE times in business and life.” -Ruth M.

“It’s as we quoted Hillel ‘If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, then what am I and if not now, when?’ This was the now and Matt figured it out. My great respect for you.” -Carol S.

“My heart races and my mind goes back to the days we had together. Thank you for pushing us. Thank you for making us ask why. For forcing us outside the box. This is true thought-leadership. It’s purely magical to see and feel the vibrations you are creating in our industry!” -Brittany B.

“Matt masterfully guides some of the most reasonable and forward-thinking ‘formal’ conversations I’ve seen in my 5 years of involvement in the travel industry.” -Jonathan W.

“Experiencing Matt’s work firsthand is an incredibly powerful and emotionally intense experience. It’s like being on a roller coaster ride, only better! Each of us has our unique story to tell, even if it is not easy to express. It is crucial to share our stories to distinguish ourselves from others. We need the courage to do that.” -Maria S.

Why Here Goes Nothin?

Business professionals lately find ourselves swimming zenlike in a sea of information: listening to every podcast, reading every business book, commenting in every forum. We subscribe to the experts and authors, buy the courses and fly long distances to see them speak where we take copious notes. We’ve seen the TED talk. And we consume all this info so not to reinvent the wheel and quite regularly we find a new voice who had invented a wheel we never knew existed, so we add them, like a child gathering easter eggs, to our rotation. 

We’re swimming in a sea of information but we’re in a rip current, which is taking us so far out that we are losing our authentic ground. What we thought was learning was saturating. So STUMPED at our inability to create without copying someone else, repeating ourselves, or using buzzwords to write then rewrite then rewrite based on how others would respond (then rewrite based on that)…so saturated yet STUMPED with writer’s block that we wanna scream. 

We need to self-generate change...we need to give it a go! 

Creative and authentic breakthroughs don’t come from playing it safe. Deep down we all want to be more original, but how? Here Goes Nothin’ is a community to exercise our ability to create new ideas, voices, stories, solutions, and chapters (or books) in life. Because this kind of creative leadership is not learned in a playbook or a tutorial or a TED talk. It is a process of self-discovery that is most exciting done together. 

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